Proven ingredients for weight loss are among the most commonly sought dieting information. It makes sense. After all, if you are thinking of taking a diet pill to help you to lose weight, you want it to work. That said, finding this information is easier said than done.
Furthermore, there is a substantial amount of misinformation online. Some sites claim certain substances are proven ingredients for weight loss without research to back it up. Even Dr. Oz was caught up in that trend.
He was required to face a Senate committee a few years ago for the unsubstantiated claims he made. Dr. Oz had a habit of celebrating unproven weight loss ingredients on his daytime television show.
Fortunately, the information is out there. The main challenge is to find it among the false claims. Medical journals provide a wealth of information. However, they are filled with jargon and technical language. As a result, they can be difficult to interpret.
Therefore, we need to look elsewhere to learn about proven ingredients for weight loss. Good news! We’ve done some of the work for you. The following are some clinically tested substances. Their effects can be very helpful to dieters keeping up a healthy diet and exercise strategy.
This substance is the main ingredient from which the prescription drug, Phentermine, is made. It is also known under brand names such as Adipex. Phentermine hydrochloride was first permitted for prescription diet pills midway through the last century.
Since then, studies have continued. It has proven effective for some obesity patients. That said, it comes with a spectrum of side effects. It can also be addictive and cause withdrawal symptoms. Among proven ingredients for weight loss, phentermine hydrochloride has its good and bad sides.
If you receive a prescription for this drug, it’s important to follow the directions precisely. This can help to make certain that you will use it safely as well as effectively. It will help you to avoid the stronger side effects. Moreover, it will assist you in keeping withdrawal symptoms away.
Orlistat is another kind of prescription obesity medication. It has been proven as a fat blocker. Dieters learning to balance their diets and reduce their caloric intake from fat may benefit from this drug. Still, it requires careful adherence to a reduced fat diet.
This may be one of the proven ingredients for weight loss, but it also comes with common side effects. The side effects are important to understand because they can be unpleasant and embarrassing.
Remember that as a fat blocker, it stops dietary fats from being absorbed by your body. In this way, the calories from the dietary fats are negated. Still, they must go somewhere: out with the rest of your body’s waste. Too much undigested fat in the digestive tract can lead to oily stool, urgent diarrhea, painful cramping and gas.
Green tea, that same warm drink all the health nuts in your life are always drinking, can be great for weight loss. That said, it needs to be regularly taken in somewhat large amounts to be beneficial. It’s for this reason that simply drinking a cup or two per day is not typically enough.
Instead, green tea extract provides a much more potent dose of the beneficial compounds. A study in the Obesity journal showed why green tea is often included among proven ingredients for weight loss.
This research illustrated green tea’s effect on leptin suppression while also boosting thermogenesis and raising energy levels. This worked in conjunction with caffeine, another substance commonly found to be highly beneficial for dieters.
Caffeine – that same stimulant found in your coffee and tea – is among the most popular substances used in diet pills. There is a reason for this. Many people find it makes a big difference toward their goal achievement.
A wealth of studies have shown that caffeine is a safe and effective stimulant. This means that it boosts energy an alertness. Why does this include it among proven ingredients for weight loss? That’s easy!
When you’re trying to lose weight, fatigue and lack of motivation can be your worst enemies. Therefore, dieters often choose caffeine to replace their energy. This helps them perform better in workouts. It also makes it easier to make better food decisions because you’re not giving in to cravings from fatigue. Overall, research shows the energy and motivation are supported.
Yes, that same plant you have in your window to help heal burns and wounds can also help dieters. Research indicates that taking a specific Aloe QDM complex (produced by Univera Inc. in South Korea) at a dosage of 147 mg twice per day over a period of two months can help decrease fat mass and body weight.
Aloe was listed among the potentially proven ingredients for weight loss when it helped overweight and obese patients. More specifically, these study participants had diabetes or were prediabetic.
You were likely told to drink your milk when you were growing up. This was to give you healthy teeth, bones and hair. That said, the calcium in that milk may also have played a role in managing your body weight.
Clinical research shows both adults and children with low calcium levels in their diets are more likely to gain weight. They typically have a higher BMI than adults and children with a higher calcium intake. Therefore, this is typically considered to be one of the proven ingredients for weight loss.
Keeping your calcium intake where it should be is highly recommended by most doctors. It is an important contributor to overall health and wellness. It also helps to prevent osteoporosis later in life.
The human body naturally produces its own vitamin D when the skin and eyes are exposed to sunlight. However, the vast majority of us are believed to produce considerably less than the ideal amount of vitamin D. The reason is that most of us work inside and don’t receive the amount of exposure we need.
Furthermore, when we do head out into the sun, we tend to cover up and wear sunscreen to reduce our risk of skin cancer. As a result, supplementation through enriched foods and through supplements can help to correct that deficiency.
Research has shown that when people have lower vitamin D levels, they are more likely to be obese than people with higher levels. Moreover, women supplementing calcium and vitamin D are more likely to lose weight, say reputable studies. The benefit appears to be only for people whose vitamin D levels were low to begin with, but most of the medical community agrees that this currently includes the majority of people.
A growing body of evidence is starting to point to the use of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) supplements as an obesity treatment. Most research is indicating that taking it orally can help to reduce body fat in adults. That said, it doesn’t decrease the fat levels on its own.
The research indicates that it is one of the proven ingredients for weight loss because it helps to reduce feelings of hunger. As a result, with the right food choices, it’s easier for dieters to stick to their diets.
That deliciously sour fruit you love for breakfast may also be contributing to an overall weight loss strategy. The reason is that research suggests that supplementing grapefruit with blood orange and sweet orange extracts can help to lower body fat in overweight people.
That said, research has also indicated that simply eating a grapefruit a day can offer a fat loss advantage as well.
* This article is for informational purposes only and not to be taken as medical advice. Always consult with your doctor before making any changes to your medications, supplements, diet, or exercise routine.