Alli is the over-the-counter version of the prescription drug, Xenical. According to the official website when this Alli review was created, this OTC (over-the-counter) diet pill is clinically proven to be effective for individuals who want to lose 5% to 10% of their body weight and who are committed to following a well-balanced diet while taking it.
Being a non-prescription version of Xenical, Alli contains half the amount of the active ingredient, Orlistat, than that of prescription Xenical diet pills. It is also the only OTC weight loss aid that has received FDA approval.
That being said, since it does contain orlistat, this means that it still retains many of the side effects associated with Xenical. The good news is that many of the side effects can be avoided if proper care is taken to follow the instructions that the Alli diet program offers.
Alli is not an appetite suppressant. Instead, it blocks fat from entering into the body, passing through the intestinal tract and out of the body. Because of this, it is highly advised not to eat a high-fat meal while taking Alli diet pills. Otherwise, you may suffer the consequences of increased passing of gas, diarrhea, and fatty or oily stool.
You should also know that due to the fact that this diet pill is strong enough to block fat, it could also prevent important vitamins and nutrients from entering the body. To counteract this, you may need to a take a multivitamin at the end of the day to get the maximum effect and still maintain a good nutritional balance.
When taking Alli diet pills, some studies have shown patients can lose up to 50% more weight than diet and exercise alone. At the same time, you do still need to have a full weight loss program in mind to reap the full benefits that Alli can give.
Studies have shown that healthy eating habits, combined with the proper exercise plan, results in the most effective and safest form of weight loss. Many doctors also prescribe weight loss drugs (such as Alli) in order to increase the amount of weight lost during a program. Weight loss should still be gradual, however, to ensure safety and increase the odds of keeping the weight off.
In addition to the obvious wanted side effect of weight loss when taking Alli, there is also a risk of unwanted side effects. Some of the more common of these include:
The gastrointestinal side effects mentioned above are common with Alli and are due to the body’s reaction to undigested fats passing through your digestive system. These side effects typically subside over time with prolonged, appropriate use of the medication.
That being said, if any of the side effects should persist or worsen, do inform your doctor or pharmacist of this as your dosage may need to be changed or there may be another problem that may need to be addressed.
Though Alli diet pills can be purchased over-the-counter, which means that you do not need a doctor’s prescription to get it, you should still talk to your doctor about your weight loss goals and plans. A doctor can help you double-check that Alli will not interact with other medications you may be taking, along with being careful to avoid any allergies you might have.
Additionally, a doctor may advise against taking Alli if you have a certain medical condition. It’s important to tell your doctor if you have an existing medical condition, such as:
Additionally, if you have had an organ transplant, are taking cyclosporine, have problems (past or present) absorbing food, or are pregnant, breast feeding or planning on becoming pregnant, you should not take Alli.
A doctor can also help you establish a diet, a safe exercise routine, and other weight loss supplements that could benefit you. Whether you are trying to shed a few pounds or whether you have a health problem that requires you to lose weight over the long term, a doctor can help you make the choices that will provide you with the greatest benefit to your current goals and plans.
* This article is for informational purposes only and not to be taken as medical advice. Always consult with your doctor before making any changes to your medications, supplements, diet, or exercise routine.