One of the most common questions dieters ask is whether or not it’s possible to lose weight without working out. After all, as good as exercise is for you, there are many drawbacks to having to do it. Primary among them are that many people don’t like working out every day, but many people are also very busy and either can’t spare the time or, when they finally do have a few minutes to themselves, they’re simply too tired.
So, is it possible to lose weight without working out? It is, but it’s not as easy. The key is to make sure that you’re doing things much more carefully and that you’re still treating your body in a healthy way. After all, if you’re going to be skimping on one of the most important things you can do for your health, then you’ll need to be certain to make up for it in other ways.
The following are some great ways to lose weight without working out during times when you simply don’t have the time or the inclination. Please do keep in mind that it is still typically recommended that you live an active lifestyle if at all possible. Therefore, you can also use these tips along with a diet that includes regular exercise and it will only make your results all the better.
Despite the fact that your parent or teachers were likely always on your case to stop fidgeting when you were a kid, this can actually be a good way to boost your calorie burning throughout the day. If you don’t sit still, get up and pace around, stretch a lot, bounce your knee, or remain otherwise active in small ways on a consistent basis, you’ll boost your body’s rate of fat burning.
This will help you to lose weight without working out because your body will already be more active. Naturally, being twitchy isn’t exactly the same as an intense cardio session at the gym, but when you compare it with being completely sedentary all day, it does actually make a difference.
If you are continually practicing keeping your balance, your muscles are regularly adjusting in small ways. Therefore, whether you’re practicing yoga, standing on one foot as you take a phone call or sitting on a balance ball instead of a desk chair, it means that you can avoid an actual workout while still keeping your muscles engaged. BOSU balance boards give you the same type of workout while standing up that you’d receive from sitting on a balance ball.
These types of tools and strategies let you lose weight without workout out because they let you continue going about your day while letting your sense of balance and your reflexes working your muscles.
Fads are always replacing themselves in the dieting and weight loss world. There are recommendations going viral on social media and hot products continually hitting shelves in stores. That said, it’s always a good idea to be wary of fads, particularly when they’re very new or when they seem too good to be true.
Try not to be swept up in these huge promises and in the hopes that you can lose weight without working out or making any other effort at all. No juice, tea, pill, or tight-fitting clothing will make fat magically melt away from your body. In fact, some can do more harm than good. Yes, you can use additional healthy tools to help you achieve your goals but thinking miracle solutions can do all the work for you will only set you back.
This may seem like a strange trick to help you to drop the pounds without having to join a gym, but it can help you in some rather unique ways. For one thing, whether you’re simply sitting and knitting or you’re volunteering at the local animal shelter, if you’re doing something you truly love, you will help to reduce your stress levels. This can lower the level of the stress hormone called cortisol, which is notorious for making weight loss harder.
That said, another way that a great hobby will help you to lose weight without workout out is that it will distract you from eating. Assuming your hobby is not taking part in hot dog eating contests or cupcake tasting, then this practice of keeping yourself distracted and your hands busy will keep you from overeating by snacking when you’re bored.
It’s no mystery that sleep is good for you. After all, when you get a fantastic night of sleep, you feel amazing! This is particularly true because the majority of us are dragging most of the time. It’s rare to meet someone who feels they’ve slept well every night and feel refreshed every day when they get up. In fact, being tired from a lack of sleep may be one of the main reasons you want to lose weight without working out!
However, getting a good night of rest on a regular basis can help you in many ways beyond simply energizing you so you’ll want to exercise. There is actually a long list of reasons that resting well is great for your body and your weight management. For example, it’s necessary for your mood, focus and muscle recovery.
Sleeping well can also be critical to being able to lose weight without working out because it improves your ability to make good food choices. Studies have shown, time and time again, that people who are sleep deprived will crave salty, fatty and sugary foods. These are all typically the words kinds of meals and snacks to consume when your goal is to drop the excess pounds.
Fitness trackers are awesome tools for letting you know how many steps you’ve taken in a day and, in some cases, to know your heart rate while at rest and while active. Research has shown that most models are quite accurate with your heart rate and moderately accurate with your steps. However, the calorie counters – like those on gym machines – are typically only a loose guideline and are nowhere near your actual burn level for the day.
Therefore, if you want to lose weight without working out then you should avoid letting your fitness tracker guide you in how many calories you’ve burned. This is particularly true if you’re counting calories in order to know how much you should eat. If you think you’re burning more than you actually are, you could end up overeating every day without even knowing it.
With these tips on your side, it becomes much easier to lose weight without working out because you’ll be able to focus on the other areas of your lifestyle that are important to burning fat. Moreover, when you do have the chance to exercise, these tips can help skyrocket your effectiveness.
* This article is for informational purposes only and not to be taken as medical advice. Always consult with your doctor before making any changes to your medications, supplements, diet, or exercise routine.