These days, we don’t want to wait for results. We want them now. This includes pretty much everything we do, including weight loss. As a result many diet supplement manufacturers make impossible promises about their products and many include deadly diet pill ingredients in their formulations.
In a society where a very large percentage of us are obese, these deadly diet pill ingredients present a considerable risk to our health. After all, losing weight is hard and it takes a long time. Many of us need assistance and this frequently comes in the form of a pill.
While there are some very effective weight loss pills available on today’s market, each with studied and safe ingredients, this is not the case every time. The key is to know the main deadly diet pill ingredients so you will be able to avoid them. They are more common than you might think, regardless of whether or not they are legal. It may seem like a nuisance, but do a bit of homework to make sure anything you choose to take will be safe.
The following are some of the diet pill ingredients that are still found in certain formulations, regardless of the health hazards they cause.
Ephedrine – also listed on diet pill labels as ephedra, mahuang, desert herb, yellow astringent, yellow horse, sea grape, among dozens of other names, this was once legal in diet pills in the United States. This is because it did boost the metabolism of the user. However, it also leads to anxiety, heart complications such as heart failure or heart attack, stroke, and many other life threatening conditions. This substance is no longer legal in diet pills in the United States, no matter what a diet pill manufacturer tries to tell you. Its use has been associated with several deaths and is certainly not worth the risk.
Dinitrophenol (DNP) – this was once sold in the form of a chemical pesticide. At the same time, this chemical is toxic to humans. Still, some dubious (to say the least) manufacturers continue selling it in capsules. It is banned for human consumption and continues to poison people every year. In 2012, 62 people died from this ingredient in diet pills purchased online.
Sibutramine – once sold as a prescription diet pill, it has been withdrawn from the American and British markets. Users experienced heart palpitations, hypertension, seizures and even strokes.
For a safe and legal diet pill you can purchase over the counter, try FenFast 375. All its ingredients have been clinically studied. Speak with your doctor to find out if this is the right choice for you.
* This article is for informational purposes only and not to be taken as medical advice. Always consult with your doctor before making any changes to your medications, supplements, diet, or exercise routine.